Corrections | Justice
Sletten Construction’s Corrections Division is comprised of a team of specialists established into one cohesive group focused only on correctional and judicial specialty work. Our team develops, constructs and renovates jails, prisons, detention centers, courthouses and all the related support spaces across the western United States.
Kootenai County Jail Expansion Coeur d’Alene, Idaho
Sutter County Law Enforcement Center Yuba City, California
Roosevelt County Detention Center Wolf Point, MT
Broadwater County Jail Yellowstone , MT
San Benito New Jail Addition Hollister, California
High Desert State Prison Phases I, II, IV, and V Indian Springs, NV
Henderson Detention Center Expansion Henderson, NV
Lyon County Justice Complex Yerington, NV
Clark County Detention Center Phases I and II Las Vegas, NV
Yavapai County Detention Center Prescott, Arizona
Wyoming State Penitentiary Rawlins, Wyoming
Churchill County Law Enforcement Center Fallon, NV
City of Las Vegas Detention and Enforcement Center Phases I and II Las Vegas, NV
CDCR Cal City Medical Administrative Building California City, California
Shoshone Bannock Tribal Justice Center Fort Hall, Idaho
Missouri River Courthouse Great Falls, MT
Tucson Border Patrol Sector Headquarters Tucson, Arizona
HUMINT General Instructional Building Fort Huachuca, Arizona
Wyoming Boys School Worland, Wyoming
T. Don Hutto Medical Units Infrastructure Taylor, Texas
Wyoming Women’s Prison Expansion Lusk, Wyoming
Trinity County Sheriff’s Detention Facility Weaverville, California
Todd Road Jail Health and Programming Unit Santa Paula, California
Lewis & Clark County Detention Center Renovation Helena, MT